The Light Lab Podcast

We (Rabbi Josh Warshawsky, Cantor Ellen Dreskin, Eliana Light, and special guests) believe that there is so much insight to be found in Jewish sacred heritage by holding the gems of our liturgy to the light. We see the immense value of personal, heart-opening, empathy-expanding prayer practice. And we love to talk about both!

Episode 34: Song and the Human Story with Marni Loffman
Eliana Light Eliana Light

Episode 34: Song and the Human Story with Marni Loffman

We are thrilled to share this interview with educator, songstress, and space-holder extraordinaire Marni Loffman. Marni connects to thousands over social media with their soulful voice and warm presence, both of which they bring to our conversation (stay through the end for a spiritual song practice!) Through sharing their journey with prayer, liturgy, and g?d, Marni makes space for us to hold multiplicity, curiosity, awareness, wholeness, and healing.

How can we connect to the human experience inherent in liturgy?

How can we add our voice to this everlasting story?

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